miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013

Paula Pelló, Laura Mas & Oscar Soler


Ben Haggerty (born 19 in june of 1983) known by their artisic noun, Macklemore, is an american rapper and musician. He started independently his music in year 2000 at 17 years old,  but he reached the popularity in age 2012 with his hip hop song Thrift Shop. Now he colaborates with his friend and productor  Ryan Lewis, the violin player Andrew Joslyn an the trumpeter Owuor Arunga.

He was born and raised in Seattle, Washington. He attended to Garfield and Nathan Hale High School and won a title of degree in the Evergreen State College. He was interested in reaching a younger generation through music in a program centered in the educacion and his cultural identity called Gateways for youngs imprissioned. He was only six years when he heard his first hip hop song, and fourteen when started to write. In his age their friends directed his from  Möcklimore. Although not borned in a music family his parents supported him on their musical adventures.

Macklemore fought opposite abuse problems in the past. He believed that the reason behind lack of production teir 2005 and 2009, but then washed in 2008 , Macklemore and Ryan Lewis transformed into a collaborative unit and crativity . Macklemore celebrate two years of sobriety begginning August 2010, but relapsed in December 2011, he was repent that record Starting Over that it talk about his relapse. Later this no return to consum and in actuality neither smoke.
Macklemor has a brother, Tim Haggerty , is a professor of English at the secondary school. Macklemore became engaged to his girlfriend , Tricia Davis, on January 21, 2013 . Is in favor of gay rights, he expresses this in the song Same Love and grief homophobia , too. Not follow an organized religion , and has reference Vipassana as a symbolic piece of his atheistic spiritual points Jesus. Several of its simple symbolism and philosophy of good, do not define a service but a type capable of awakening to faith and happiness.
Macklemore once said :
I want be rspected and no only in music terms. I like be respected in tehe form with tract people. The form, the topics I choose… the direction throw  my music. And no because I am, I’m try on do registration about they. And are the most important than my, and the music are my creative exit to express are most important than my… and it was important, and it take their valor. I want to be respect by this.

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